
PPSSPP - PSP Emulator lets you emulate the oft-overlooked handheld, out now

It lets you emulate the classic, but sadly overlooked, handheld

PPSSPP - PSP Emulator lets you emulate the oft-overlooked handheld, out now
  • The PlayStation Portable is arguably overlooked compared to other handhelds
  • It came at a strange time, when handheld consoles slipped in popularity
  • But with the PPSSPP emulator you can play these games as they were meant to be, in the palm of your hand

When it comes to handheld consoles there are some classics that are always mentioned. The Nintendo Game Boy, Sega Game Gear and even the Neo Geo Pocket have all made their marks on history. But one console is both adored and somewhat overlooked, the PlayStation Portable.

Now, we know what you're going to say, and no this isn't some judgement on the popularity, technical prowess or even the quality of the games on the PlayStation Portable. Rather it sits in a strange position, where it is considered a cult hit amongst fans but came at a time when handheld consoles slipped in popularity, and couldn't achieve the ubiquity of platforms like the Game Boy.

But now, if you want to get back into the PlayStation Portable, you don't need to pick up a second-hand console being flogged for ten times the price. Instead, you can try out the PPSSPP Emulator, available now on iOS!

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The PSP boasted a host of amazing games from major PlayStation luminaries like the WipeOut series and Metal Gear Solid, and while many of these have been collected in other editions many more are solely existent on the original console. Aside from the obvious news about the change in emulation by Apple, the PPSSPP opens up a whole new range of games for players to (potentially) emulate.

You can find the PPSSPP on the iOS App Store, out now.

In the meantime, if you want to find some of the best games on mobile without emulating, definitely check out our list of the top 5 mobile games you need to try this week. And while you're there you can also hop into our ongoing list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to see what major hits we've added to that huge and growing ranking!

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Iwan Morris
Iwan Morris
Iwan is a Cardiff-based freelance writer, who joined the Pocket Gamer Biz site fresh-faced from University before moving to the editorial team in November of 2023.